Selasa, 22 November 2016

My Unforgettable Experience

So, my unforgetable experience actually happened on September the 10th, which is the day that Megantara take place.

Why? Because there's so much things that is new and interesting for me. Well of course, the parade long walk wasn't really interesting nor new, but it's part of the event so probably that's the only thing that is not so unforgetable.

What's new and interesting? It is the first culture festival (I'd like to call it a concert for the last part of the show) that I actually enjoyed because when my junior high held one, it wasn't as interesting. For Megantara, I'm still at the fest until the end of it. I also got to met my friends from my CS:GO team for the first time and got to know them quite well. Besides them, I also met my friends from Hardcore Gamer Group at Hokben BEC (so I didn't actually watch the whole show, but I only skip the minor performances because of the many meetups happened that day) but I had to leave early so the gates of Megantara won't shut on me.

Before the Hardcore Gamer Group meetup, I bought myself some Razer gears (so that's new as well) since the meetup happened in the same building that i bought the Razers.
What's a Razer? It's just a gaming gear product that sells everything overpriced but it has good quality.

After I got back to Megantara, I rejoin my CS:GO mates and we were in for a long time of waiting. Then there's the fashion show with the results as early as the judge decided, there's a wayang show and other performances which I quite enjoy but that really wasn't what the audience were there for. What the audience anticipated were either Mr. Ridwan Kamil, The Changcuters, or RAN which they (including me) had to wait for quite some time to see the three guest stars.

And finally, Mr. Ridwan Kamil came onto the stage as the fashion show winner announcer with his well-known style of speaking. When The Changcuters were on the stage and brought some songs, the crowd really went wild even though it's already night but maybe it's because their wait had been paid off. With RAN, it wasn't really as wild as The Changcuters because the different genre of music, but you know people like to sing to artist they like. And those atmospheres were totally new for me which is why it's unforgetable.

After everyone went home from Megantara, my friends and I played some more CS:GO just like we usually do on weekends.

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