Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016


Here's a little 'bout myself.

My name is Rifky Fariz Fauzan (remember it.) but you can also call me "Riz." which is taken from the last syllable of my mid-name.
How old am I? I was born at the 28th of January 2001, so I'm... (no idea, I actually can't count).
Where do I take education? (Yea, how come you can't count mate.) This year I got accepted in SMAN 3 Bandung (but yea, I can't count). About the school, I can't really give you that much info 'cause I'm new as well.

As soon as the optional extracuricular are joinable, I'll immedieately join MP3, DKM, and SEF (last one depends on my mood though). So MP3 is all about movie production (Yes of course it's what MP3 stands for, Movie Production 3), and DKM for me and a lot of people in fact, said that joining them will make me a better person (don't know if this was just a promotion tactics or something, but I fell for it).

My activities, I play video games at my free times (pretty boring, huh?) and I STUDIED (duh) in most of my days. My favourite game (currently) is Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (but no, I'm not good at it) and my "favourite" lesson is astronomy from physics. My other hobby, is (I'm not joking) actually rapping (the base word of "rap" instead of "rape" in case you got it all wrong). I like to look for more challenges in rapping because the best one I found is "Rap God" from Eminem and it was like... (tell no one, but I mastered it. I guess.)

Do I like watching TV? It's a weird question that probably no one ever asked me, but no, I don't. I like it more to watch YouTube, that's why I even created a channel for my gaming experience, which I think is great to have fun for yourself and you get to amuse someone else in the process.

Here's the link just in case you want to check it out:

But after 100 subs or more, I hope that I can get a custom URL:
which is easier to remember, and to share also :D

Right everyone, I have some fun making this and hopefully, you (readers) also. For me, if you're happy because of me, I'm happy. Not sure if I'll post more on this blog, but I'm more active on YouTube so be sure to check my channel out!

Hope you know me better with this and last but not least, thanks for reading!

P.S. Ini intro bukannya sok inggris, tapi karena tugas XD

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